The Trail Of Tears

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My Past My Future
The Cherokee Fight For Life
God Bless America
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What I Dream And Believe In
The Symbol Of Freedom
The Trail
Pioneers: What Were Their Lives Like on the Trail?
The Cherokee Nation
The Legend Of The Cherokee Rose
Native American Indian Poetry
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                       My Life

Before I speak about my new life I have to go back 13 years when I was in hospital dying one summers day.
This started when I was with a partner and where I was so depressed which I was a sufferer at that time, I thought I can't carry on in.
I was a diabetic and was on pill medication and my partner didn't help at all so I decided to give them (My Children) one final good holiday before I ended all ties to this world.
We drove to Peterboro to get our passports but the female passport needed a letter from there mother as proof as to who she was and I wasn't going to drive all the way back to London and then all the way back.
That evening we pulled into an Asda store (Wal-Mart) and I took  it upon myself to write this letter and as we couldn't find accomodation that night we all slept in the vehicle, us two in the front and my two daughters and a son in the back.
We had something to eat in the store cafe and went back to the car to sleep.
In the middle of the night I was taken ill and vomited badly and for about 30 minutes I was walking around the car not really knowig what was going on until I went back in the car and tried to sleep but couldn't.
In the morning a driver from a sports store saw us and drove over and said he looks ill get and to call an ambulance but she didn't as I hate hospitals and I told her no but the guy called them and they arrived shortly afterwards to take me to Kettering General Hospital where I was to stay for a few hoursbefore moving me to Leicester General Hospital, the reason was all my major arteries were blockedand had to be clearedand this meant q 12 tube pushed into a major artery withing the groin and the only way to do this was to be awake.
They got the tube in but was quickly blocked and I was on the downslide until they decided to call for another hospital to take me in urgently and that's where Leicester General became part of this.
I already had the tube set in place and all they had to do was to connect me to the machine in which they quickly did until the amount of work it had to do, it broke down so again I had to be taken to the next Hospital Leicester Royal Infirmiry where they fought daily to keep me going until after nearly three weeks of dedication by the doctors and nurses I pulled through but to what lay ahead no one could  possibly have imagined. 
The following few days were to change my life around and make me into the person I am to this day.
A couple of days before the end of the third week although still weak from what happened to me I had a visit from a surgeon and two other medical doctors, there I was told that I had a 9 x 5 cyst laying behind my stomach and had to be removed by keyhole surgery and it was a life threatening operation but they needed to keep an eye on it first and I would start to be taken for daily x-rays until the operation could be completed the following friday and these x-rays would start on Monday Morning.
Monday morning had arrived and I was still virtually unable to walk so I was taken down for an x-ray that they called The Tumble Dryer affect and just had to lay down and let this machine spin around your body and that's why the name they called it.
I was told that all I had to do was close my eyes and relax and think of something you have always wanted to do so I did this and I saw a small island with a palm tree and a shark swimming around (The classic cartoon picture) I was well into this when all of a sudden my mind went blank and all I could see was darkness.
As I lay there in this dark world I saw a pair of hands coming into my body and the words "Don't worry everything will be allright".
I didn't tell anyone of my experience until later in the week.
On the Tuesday morning I had my scan and again the hands came into me pressing down and the same words were spoken, I lay there and felt really at ease in this dark world I had got used to being in and strangely enough I was so relaxed.
I was taken to my private room to do whatever I was able to do but that wasn't much as I was still weak from the past three weeks.
The woman that I was with at this time went to the stores to pick up some items she and the children needed and she was gone for a couple of hours at least.
In this time I was laying down facing the window looking out at the sky as I was too high to see anything else, when I felt a presence behind me.
I didn't turn my head fully just enough to see who or what i was standing there at the door.
The door was open and there by the light switch stood what looked like a Victorian Nurse looking over at me smiling, not a full smile but a staring smile,I turned my head fully and she dissapeared.
I did not mention this for a couple of days to an auxillary nurse who actually confirmed y sighting as being a ghost that was walking the derelict ward abouve and not to worry all she was doing was looking after you and I now believe this to be true.
On the Wednesday and Thursday morning I had my usual scan and the exact same thing happened with the hands and message, I was so relaxed by this time that I was knew I was ready for any operation and wasn't even afraid to die.
On the friday I was given two x-rays, why I didn't know but was soon to find out when I was taken to the surgery ward before the operation.
As I lay there waiting to be seen by the surgeon thoughts were racing through my mind (Why two X-Rays) when the surgeon and the two doctors came in the room.
He looked at me with a suprise look and said "What are you doing here" I told him for the operation and he said "What would you like to do" go home I replied.
Ok and asked me if 2 hours would be suitable so he could do the paperwork for my release.
Ok this is wrong why am I being allowed home and again thoughts went through my head and finally I asked Whay am I not having this operation that you said is life threatening to me.
His reply as he llooked at me  was "I'm sorry but there won't be any operation" whem I asked why he just said "There is nothing to operate on".
You had two scans this morning and the reason was we did this is because for some unknown reason that 9 x 5 Cyst that was there it had now dissapeared not over the week but it was there lasy night but this orning it had gone, just dissapeared.
With that I left hospital within 3 hours of being told this news.
An appointment was made at my local hospital and an X-Ray was performed and it was confirmed there was nothing there whatsoever.
I died in hospital to live again as I am today and live with the gift of being honoured with the name Eagle and given a gift of what they call the sixth sense, in which I am able to use to this day.
I was given these gifts what I believe to be from Ancestors of The Native American Indian Nation that I based this Website I wrote in honour of this great nation...
I do not believe in God....As my believes are with the Native American Indian Spirits and wear a Gold and Diamond Eagles Head proudly around my neck in honour of both my given name and my believes.

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